Friday, October 16, 2015

Practicing Summary and Paraphrase

Performing Summary and Paraphrasing with "Striking the Balance on Artificial Intelligence"

In this post, I will use a passage I selected from Cecilia Tilli's article "Striking the Balance on Artificial Intelligence" for practice in paraphrasing and summarizing. I will create a paraphrase to match the length and substance of the quote, and a summary that narrows the passage down into one main action and idea.

Mary St George "Practice Makes Progress" 13 August 2012 via
Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) License.

Original Source

From Cecilia Tilli's "Striking the Balance on Artificial Intelligence,"

"Though the media mostly focus on Terminator–like scenarios, it is important to keep in mind that the path to strong A.I. is paved with uncertainty and that the correct attitude is one of caution, rather than plain optimism (or pessimism). In line with this, the open letter—signed by A.I. and A.I.–safety researchers alike—focuses mostly on the beneficial aspects of A.I. research, while also stressing the need to avoid 'potential pitfalls.'"

My Paraphrase of Original Source

As Cecilia Tilli tells us in her 2015 article "Striking the Balance on Artificial Intelligence," our culture has a tendency to create fear over future technology like artificial intelligence by portraying such technology as dangerous (Tilli). However, Tilli insists that scientists, and people in general, should acknowledge the true, beneficial potential of artificial intelligence research and approach it with due caution, as those who signed the open letter from the Puerto Rico conference in January did, instead of viewing in the limiting black and white (Tilli).

My Summary of Original Source

Cecilia Tilli states in her 2015 article "Striking the Balance on Artificial Intelligence" that the media has a tendency to portray artificial intelligence as dangerous, but in reality, it can benefit humanity greatly as long as researchers approach the technology with caution (Tilli).

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