Saturday, October 24, 2015

Paragraph Analysis 2

Analyzing My Essay

For this blog entry, I copied my draft for my rhetorical analysis essay into a separate location, where I then commented on it as I performed an analysis of my how well organized and effective my paragraphs were.

My draft analysis can be found here.

Tyler "MacBook Pro Keyboard" 13 August 2010 via
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.

What I learned from this exercise was that I definitely have strengths and flaws in my writing of the draft for this project. I think the strength in my writing was that I was thorough and made sure to connect claims to evidence, or examples to explanations, as I wrote my paragraphs. Overall, I actually think my individual paragraphs had purpose and were cohesive, and usually related back to my thesis and gave it the expanded meaning that the essay should develop.

However, the exceptions to my strengths were that one of my paragraphs may actually have been confusingly organized, which may have impeded both its cohesiveness and its relation to my thesis (as my peer reviewers did also point out). In general, I think I structured all my paragraphs well with a clear progression from information or evidence to explanation and clarification, but my paragraph that discussed my author's emotionally soothing tone and her use of qualification may have been misleading and confusing. While I think both of those strategies were used to accomplish the author's common goal of reaching the reader and showing that she understands their perspective, my paragraph did seem somewhat disjointed and didn't communicate this connection between emotional and credibility appeal as well as it could have.

I think this exercise has helped me identify organizational issues that need to be addressed my draft, that I be sure to remedy as I approach my final product.

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