Monday, September 7, 2015

Annotated Bibliography in IEEE Style

The IEEE Style

Additional example for online source citation here.

In this post, I compile a References list in the style of IEEE citation, used for Computer Science, and provide annotations for each source. All of the following sources are related to the current controversy in China over the awarding of the National Natural Science Award to computer scientist Zhang Yaoxue.

Me6620, "The Alternative Ethernet-Style Cabling Used by 1394c" 23 May 2007 via
CC BY-SA 3.0 License.


[1]   L. Zheng, R. Huang, G.-J. Hwang, K. Yang "Measuring Knowledge Elaboration Based On A
       Computer-Assisted Knowledge Map Analytical Approach to Collaborative Learning" Journal of
       Educational Technology & Society vol. 18, No. 1, January 2015, pp. 321-336. [Online] 
       acceptTC=true. [Accessed September 5th, 2015].

       This article was written to inform those interested in educational science studies involving
       technology about recent studies in the field. The purpose of this entry in the Journal of 
       Educational Technology & Society was to reveal findings in recent studies that previous 
       knowledge on research topics as well as strong team research performance both are positively 
       correlated with knowledge gain on research objectives. This study was conducted with 185
       undergraduate students randomly assigned to either a research objective of learning curriculum
       or economics, where they were split into groups of three or four members that used computer-
       assisted knowledge maps to achieve their objective. In this study, a positive correlation was 
       found in both team performance and each student's individual knowledge on their topic before
       the exercise and knowledge gain. In the future, I will use this study to illustrate current uses of 
       computer science in studies in China.

[2]   T. H. C. Chiang, S. J. H. Yang, G.-J. Hwang "An Augmented Reality-Based Mobile Learning
        System to Approve Students' Learning Achievements and Motivations in Natural Science
        Inquiry Activites" Journal of Educational Technology & Society vol. 17, No. 4, Review Articles
        in Educational Technology, October 2014, pp. 352-365. [Online] Available:
        [Accessed September 5th, 2015].

       This article on young children's learning was written to inform those interested in educational 
       uses of technology about recent findings and developments on the matter. The purpose of this
       writing in the Journal of Educational Technology & Society was to inform others about studies
       that prove that integrating computers in learning methods in younger educational levels can 
       produce more confidant and motivated students. This study was conducted by giving some fourth
       graders lessons with a new, augmented reality-based system for learning, while other fourth 
       graders were given lessons through traditional methods, after which both groups were assessed 
       for knowledge gained and confidence in further learning. The findings of this study was that the
       computer-assisted learning system resulted in more confidant students that learned more from 
       their lessons. In the future, I will use this specific study to demonstrate how computer science is 
       providing new opportunities in the educational field in China.

[3]   H. Xin. (2015 February 2). Critics Pounce on China's Top Science Prize [Online]. Available:

        This article, written while the controversy over the National Natural Science Award was given 
        to Zhang Yaoxue, was written to inform a wide range of readers about how the controversy 
        began, the project that won the award, and the history behind the award. The purpose of 
        presenting this information was to highlight the prestigious history of the award, and thus
        display how critics believe the 2014 selection was undeserving of the award. The main point of 
        this article was that, while Yaoxue's operating system project was scientifically significant, it 
        doesn't reside on the same level of prestige of other projects that have won the award in the past.
        I plan to use this article in the future to give details on how the controversy around the winning 
        project began, and how that project measures in the history of the award.       

[4]   D. Cyranowski. (2015 February 12). Questions Emerge Over Top Chinese Science Prize
        [Online]. Available:

        This article was written to inform readers interested in science news about how plagiarism
        allegations are emerging over the winning project for the Chinese National Natural Science
        Award. In addition, this article seemed to promote more transparent evaluation process in the
        award's selection and more careful examination of projects to uncover potentially plagiarized
        components. The primary message that this article seems to be sending is that the selection
        process for the award needs to be more transparent so as to negate criticisms of the award being
        given to undeserving projects that may have plagiarized. I plan to use this article in the future to
        describe another point of view on the controversy that focuses on the selection process and the
        winning project's credibility.

[5]   A. Li. (2015 January 25). Stop Meddling In Science Awards, Chinese Computer Federation
        Tells Government [Online]. 

        This article in the South China Morning Post, a news source in China, describes a current battle
        in the controversy over the National Natural Science Award being awarded to Zhang Yaoxue's
        operating system project for readers concerned with China's scientific merits being displayed
        poorly. This article seeks to inform how computer scientists in China are reacting to the award.
        The main focuses of this article were Chinese Computer Federation's post detailing their
        discontent with the selection for the award and how other computer scientists related to
        academic institutions in China confess that the selection process for the award is influenced by
        the Chinese government and may not be fair. I will use this article in the future to display how
        sides over the controversy have developed, and how the selection process as influenced by the
        Chinese government may be fair.

[6]   J. Robertson. (2015 January 12). Computer Architecture: How Do You Evaluate Yaoxue Zhang's
       Team and Their Work, MetaOS, Which Was Awarded the First Prize of the National Natural 
       Science Foundation in China Recently? [Online]. Available:

       Robertson's comment was written in response to a question posed on, and thus his
       response was primarily given to provide an answer to the individual who posed the question, but
       still provides a unique perspective to those interested in the controversy over China's National
       Natural Award. Robertson, in his comment, sought to provide insight into why China's selection
       board chose Yaoxue's as he said that the Chinese government has been seeking a new operating
       system for their computers that is created in China, as opposed to in the West. Robertson
       defended the selection of Yaoxue's project, and explained his opinion in the context of China's
       national goals in computer networking. I will be using Robertson's comment in the future due to
       its unique perspective and because it provided an outlook that actually defends the selection for
       the award.

[7]  Unknown Author at (2015 April 23). China Computer Federation and Springer to 
       Publish New Journal Data Science and Engineering [Online]. Available:

       This article, written earlier this year, announced that the China Computer Federation (CCF) and
       Springer, a global publishing company, were officially collaborating to create and publish the
       new journal Data Science and Engineering. This article was written to anyone interested in
       science journals or developments in the Chinese sphere of scientific influence. The primary
       message behind this announcement was that the CCF is making a bold, first move in the
       realm of international science because this journal is the first global computer science journal
       created and ran by a Chinese-affiliated research group, which thus makes this journal's beginning
       an important moment in the history of international science. The President of the CCF, Weimin
       Zheng, was cited in this article stating that the CCF is excited to be raising China's academic
       influence to the international level through a journal created in China itself. I plan to use this
       source to provide more background for the CCF, which is central to my controversy topic, by
       citing evidence that the CCF is truly concerned with China's global standing in the scientific

[8]  China Daily USA. (2015 February 5). Top Scientist Defends Criticism of Award [Online].

       This article, which appeared in the Chinese-news website, was written to
       an audience concerned with the controversy of China's Natural Science award to inform them
       about the award winner's, Zhang Yaoxue, response to the criticism over his winning of the award
       and to plagiarism allegations. This article cited Yaoxue's statements that his award-winning
       transparent computing software borrowed no code from other computer scientists, while a
       separate project did, but did so legally with license. I aim to use this source to cite statements
       from Zhang Yaoxue in context of being accused of not deserving the award and for copying
       code, which will provide more balance to the representation of the sides involved in my

[9]  J. Stone. (2014 August 25). China Developing National Operating System to Compete With
      Microsoft, Google Amid US Tension [Online]. Available:

       This online article was written in the International Business Times primarily for audiences
       interested in business and the stock market on current international trends with companies that
       may have their profit largely affected by foreign affairs, such as Chinese bans on services and
       products from the West. The article stated that China over the past decade has gradually been
       banning more and more western products and services, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter,
       and created substitutes that are Chinese and are censored by the government. As a result, those
       western websites have experienced drastic declines in usage in China, and China has been able
       to put more worries over cyber-security to rest with less reliance on western services. Lastly,
       the article stated that the most important development on this issue is that China has released a
       new COS, or China Operating System, for computers and mobile devices following their bans on
       Windows products, with hopes of further establishing an independent online computer
       environment that is more capable of competing with the West. I will use this source to illustrate
       China's persistent goal of becoming less reliant on western technologies and services, a vital
       point in one explanation for Yaoxue's winning of the National Natural Science Award for
       purposes of government usage and implementation.

[10] Y. Yi. (2015 January 9). Top Science Prize Honors Transparent Computing [Online]. Available:

       This short, explanatory article on the Xinhua news website's English extension, was written for
       anybody interested in academic awards around in China, as the article was very direct and brief
       its summary of China's National Natural Science Award and the winning project. The article
       directly stated that Zhang Yaoxue and his team, who won the award, developed a transparent
       computing system. Explained in common terms in the article, this transparent computing allows
       various operating platforms, such as computers or mobile devices, to access information
       and task-programs remotely with the team's new Meta OS project. I plan to use this short article
       to assist me in giving a brief, yet understandable, summary of the project that won the award, as
       the article did not indicate any stance in the controversy around the project, as it preceded the
       criticisms of the award process and thus reported only on the project itself, which gives a
       valuable background to the controversy.

Example of IEEE Reference List here.


After reading Jayni's and Kyle's  annotated bibliographies, which were both in ACS style as I did not find other IEEE styles in others' works, I noticed that ACS isn't dissimilar from the IEEE format I used myself. Aside from bracketing numbers and a few minor shifts in the order for citation, they read alike to me. I'm not very surprised that I didn't encounter another IEEE styled bibliography mostly because it's incredibly specific to the computer science field, and also because I myself am not even decided on that major so I can't blame others for not being the same way I suppose!

In both my own IEEE format and in ACS, I think that the citation of sources clearly condenses necessary information about a source which makes it easy to spot in the list and allows the summary following the source to provide key reference points for the writer to use as they write with the sources, which really makes the annotated bibliography useful (I know I used mine extensively while compiling my QRG).


  1. You did a really nice job on this post. All of your citations are perfectly fit to the example and your descriptions are in depth and well thought out. The citation itself looks like a lot of work so props to you. I'm sure this took you a lot of time. Also the topic you chose seems to be pretty complex. I'm very impressed.

  2. All of your annotations look awesome! Your summaries are perfect too, I thought mine were too long but after reading yours I feel better. I like your topic too. I lived in China for five weeks last summer so I like to hear about what's happening there every now and then. Overall, your annotated bibliography looks well researched, explained and put together. Good luck with your project!
